Much rich history has been sown in the fertile soil of Virginia’s famed Shenandoah Valley. While many towns of this valley have laid claim to immortality, many people consider the tiny, Blue Ridge mountain town of Lexington a small piece of heaven. This town is the home of two great universities – Washington and Lee University and the Virginia Military Institute (VMI). It also neighbors Natural Bridge, one of the Seven Natural Wonders of the World, which was surveyed by George Washington and once owned by Thomas Jefferson. Lexington was a college town even before the United States became a country. Founded in 1749, Augusta Academy would become Liberty Hall Academy in 1776. The school was renamed Washington College in George Washington’s honor after he contributed $50,000 worth of stock to the school in 1796. After the death of Robert E. Lee in 1870, the school’s president, the college became known as Washington and Lee University.
In 1865, at the end of the bloodiest war our nation has ever seen, the two institutions were but shadows of their former selves. VMI had been burned nearly to the ground, and Washington College was severely damaged when it was used as Union barracks. With no money and no president, Washington College had somehow remained open throughout the war. During this time it served primarily as a preparatory school, with four professors teaching about forty boys who were too young to serve in the Civil War.
However, the school’s trustees were determined to save their desperate college. On August 4, 1865, they met to discuss applying for a loan and the prospects for the college’s presidency. At that meeting, a board member rose and said that he had heard that Lee was looking for a position that would allow him to earn a living for his family. The trustees immediately elected Lee as president – contingent on his acceptance, of course. They offered him an annual salary of $1,500, and the use of a house and garden and a small percentage of the tuition. Everyone in the country knew that Lee could lead soldiers, but few remembered that he also had served as superintendent of the United States Military Academy at West Point. For Lee, the position in tiny Lexington was an opportunity to lead his people, not into battle, but into recovery. On August 31, 1865, Lee became the president of a school named for his mentor and his wife’s grandfather, George Washington.
“I think it is the duty of every citizen, in the present condition of the country, to do all in his power to aid in the restoration of peace and harmony,” he wrote to the trustees in his letter of acceptance. “It is particularly incumbent of those charged with the instruction of the young to set them an example of submission to authority.” Beset by the war’s legacy of poverty, only 50 students were enrolled at the time of Lee’s inauguration. As word of his presence spread, others arrived, until finally, 146 young men had registered for the college’s first post-war session. Among those first students were three of KA’s four founders, James Ward Wood, William Nelson Scott, and William Archibald Walsh. Founder Stanhope McClelland Scott, brother of William Nelson Scott, entered the college’s second postwar session in the spring semester of 1866.
Meet The Officers

Jacob Roach
Number I
Jacob serves as our Number I. He previously served as Number III and Intramurals chair before being elected Number I in a specially called meeting in July of 2021. Jacob also serves on the IFC Executive Board. Jacob was Re-elected Number I in December 2021.
The I shall cause the chapter to obey the laws of the Order and the lawful requirements of its officers; preside at all meetings of the chapter; maintain good order and decorum; secure in discussion the observance of parliamentary rules; submit questions to vote at the proper stage; cause meetings to be held as prescribed; privately counsel with and advise the chapter officers concerning the discharge of their duties; require respect for and compliance with the customs of the Order; and exercise, in a fraternal spirit, a general supervision and control over all of the business and workings of the Active Chapter. The I shall be responsible for all of the property of his chapter of whatever nature and shall provide for its safekeeping during all vacations.

Alex marotta Number IIN
Alex Marotta serves as our Number II and New Member Educator. He previously served as Number VIII and Assistant Pledge Trainer.
The II shall perform any of the duties of the I in his absence or inability to act and generally assist the I in the discharge of his duties; count the votes on questions submitted to the chapter; report to the chapter violations of the laws of the Order when the same are not reported by the VII; and privately counsel with and advise the I concerning the discharge of his duties. The II shall become the I if the office of the I becomes vacant, or due to the I’s ineligibility to hold office, until an election can be held at a chapter meeting.
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Parker Weiblinger
Number IV
Parker Weiblinger serves as our current Number IV. He was previously an assistant pledge trainer and also serves as our Southern Belle Chair.
The IV shall have charge of and be responsible to the I for the safekeeping of all of the files and correspondence of the chapter and shall write or supervise the writing of all correspondence in behalf of the chapter as the I or the chapter shall direct. He shall also serve as the membership recruitment officer for the Active Chapter.

Jack Lathrop Number V
Jack serves as our current Number V.
The V shall accumulate material for the history of the chapter and its members, past and present; keep the prescribed chapter register up to date; act as contact officer between the chapter and its alumni, performing such duties in this regard as may be required of him by the chapter or by the Executive Director; and be responsible to the I for the safekeeping of the chapter register and records of historical data.

Christopher Pursley
Number VI
Chris serves as our Number VI. He previously served as Number IV and set the bar high for recruitment.
The VI shall collect all fees, dues, fines and assessments; keep the financial records of the chapter; have custody of the funds of the chapter; be responsible to the I for the safekeeping of all property of the chapter for which another officer of the chapter, exclusive of the I, is not responsible; and report to the chapter as often and in such detail as may be required by the chapter or the I, at least once a month, the status of each member’s account with the chapter or with the Order, the accounts of the chapter, and such other matters as may be disclosed from the chapter’s records.

Dave silguero
Number VII
Dave serves as our Number VII. He also serves as our housing manager and takes pride in making sure our lodge stays nice and clean.
The VII shall master the laws of the Order and the chapter with respect to duties of officers and members; report to the chapter the failure of any officer of the chapter to perform any duty required of him; and report to the chapter all violations of or failure to comply with the laws or the customs of the Order or the chapter for appropriate action to be taken.

Landon Gibson
number VIII
Landon serves as our Number VIII. The VIII shall act as the sergeant-at-arms for all chapter meetings and shall admit only persons lawfully permitted to be present at a chapter meeting. He shall also serve as the primary risk management officer for the Active Chapter. In this capacity he shall be responsible for education and enforcement of the Order’s risk management policy.

Colby Mathews Number IX
Colby serves as our current Number IX. He served in this role last year as well. The IX shall be responsible to the I for the safekeeping and preservation of the paraphernalia and chapter room properties of the chapter and shall introduce to the chapter at each chapter meeting any alumni or other visitors present.
Cody Calhoun serves as our current Number III. He also serves as the Philanthropy chair and serves on the IFC Executive Board.
The III shall keep full minutes of the chapter proceedings in a permanent minute book; call the roll at the opening and closing of each meeting of the chapter or the active members thereof; furnish the VII during the progress of each meeting with a list of absentees upon all roll calls not theretofore presented to him; read the minutes of the previous meeting; submit his minutes to the I for his approval and signature; supervise the IV in keeping the files of chapter correspondence; and be responsible to the I for the minute book and other records of the chapter used directly in connection with chapter meetings. He shall also serve as the scholarship officer for the Active Chapter.